PTT or Push to Talk is a cellular phone feature that has been in use for many years and remains popular and effective in many situations and industries. While classic PTT used specific cell phone network configurations, modern PTT makes use of radio over internet technology. The accessibility of high-speed cellular data and Wi-Fi networks makes modern PTT accessible and easy to implement. There are many reasons to set up a PTT network for your place of business and here are some of the advantages it offers over traditional phone calls.
Advantages of Push-To-Talk
- Easy To Use: modern PTT systems make use of smartphone apps. This makes communication easy, as with the app, you can easily send a voice message to a teammate with a simple tap or click. This is faster than a phone call and uses data instead of minutes to communicate the message.
- Clarity: traditional radio communication is frequently used in several industries. Two-way radios have been an industry standard for decades. However, modern cellular technology is starting to provide better coverage and better sound quality. Radio communication relies on a limited number of channels to broadcast signals compared to cellular towers. With the wider range and reach of cellular technology, you have access to a stronger signal, wider reach, and less interference.
- Accessories: cellphones designed to be used for PTT come with many accessories to make the feature efficient and easier to use. These accessories can include speaker microphones for hands-free use, earpieces for ease of hearing even in loud environments, and long-lasting batteries to offer hours of communication time.
- Security: when communicating over a business line you don’t want private information to fall into the hands of unauthorized parties. PTT services offer encryption to keep your communication safe. This also means that only authorized users can access your network and receive communication.
- Highly Compatible: an advantage of PTT moving to applications is this greatly expands the platforms you can use. Without older PTT technology you needed to buy specific types of phones and were often limited in your choice of manufacturers. With PTT apps, you can use a wide assortment of cellular devices, including not only smartphones but also tablets. This makes it easier to keep your team properly equipped and connected.
- Affordable: in any business or public sector, keeping your budget in order is a key part of being able to provide services to those who need them. PTT applications can easily be added to your existing company cell phones or tablets at a low cost. One way this is economical is because you are only paying for services and don’t need to buy specialized equipment such as two-way radios. In many cases, you can use your existing company smartphones and any upgrades you may need are those you have already budgeted for. This reduction in equipment needs reduces overhead while providing a useful and robust service for communication.
- Instantaneous Communication: when you use a two-way radio, there is a delay between sending a message via one radio and the listener receiving the message on the other end. In certain industries and situations, time is critical and even a slight delay in messaging can cause problems. With smartphone PTT applications, communication is instantly sent via the cellular phone network. This is ideal in both high-stress situations and those where you need to communicate a message with a large group of people, such as a team of coworkers.
Final Thoughts
If you’re still making use of radios for two-way communication, push-to-talk is not only a viable solution but one that can improve performance. With stronger network access, increased security, and a reduction in costs, PTT can be an addition to your company and a solution for your communication needs.