You are aware that a certificate provider only allows the installation of an SSL certificate on one domain if you work in the security or e-commerce industries. In the sense that you cannot use an SSL certificate that you buy for for What about those who have more than one domain name, since the majority of website owners only have one? If the website’s owner used different domains and subdomains for various commercial purposes?
Here is a use case for a wildcard certificate.
Problems arise when you have to maintain and renew each certificate separately when you think about buying an SSL certificate for each domain name. You can however install a wildcard SSL certificate on the main server if your website is hosted. A wildcard SSL certificate is useful for securing as many subdomains as you want because everything is secure.
It is essential to comprehend what wildcard means before using wildcard certificates. A wildcard certificate typically has an asterisk (*) as its symbol. The symbol * stands in for all of’s subdomains, including,,,, etc.
The “Common Name” field of an SSL certificate specifies the domain that will use it. In essence, big business dot com wildcard certificates are those that have wildcards like * in the Common Name. You will have to supply your common name if you choose to buy a wildcard certificate in the future.
What does it include?
A wildcard SSL certificate offers your website standard 128- or 256-bit encryption, just like other SSL technologies. SSL helps to maintain the privacy of sensitive data by protecting it while it is in transit. As a result, when making any type of online payment or logging into their accounts with their username and password, your online customers will feel secure and safe.
Benefits of a Wildcard Certificate
Using certificate wildcard has a number of benefits, including cost savings. A typical SSL certificate costs few dollars per certificate if SSL is only required on a few subdomains. The price is $750 if SSL is required on five domains, though. Wildcard certificates will save you about $900 if you manage a big website with ten sub domains. Large corporations’ websites will need SSL on more than ten subdomains.
Manageability is another aspect that contributes to wildcard certificates’ popularity. It is a difficult task to purchase, set up, and annually renew a dozen SSL Certs. For the person in charge of SSL Certs, it is a particularly difficult task, and mistakes are likely to happen frequently. It’s possible that you’ll have to spend time and money fixing mistakes on your website. When compared to worrying about a single wildcard certificate, the trouble is much worse. The process of managing one certificate is simple. Error reduction was easy.
Using a wildcard SSL certificate makes sense for a number of reasons. It can be less expensive than purchasing separate certificates for each subdomain, first and foremost. Managing multiple certificates is not necessary if you use a wildcard. It’s also important to keep in mind that Google now gives HTTPS pages a higher ranking in search results, which can improve your website’s visibility. By selecting a wildcard SSL certificate, you can take advantage of this opportunity to extend HTTPS security to all of the pages on your subdomains, further enhancing your online presence and credibility.